Endometriosis 101

It's estimated that Endometriosis impacts 1 in 10 women, yet it takes on average 7.5 YEARS for a women to be diagnosed with it. WTF going on?⁣ 🤷🏼‍♀️🤔👇🏼

Women are often told that their symptoms are 'normal' and are dismissed or overlooked.⁣ I believe that women deserve better healthcare.⁠⁠

Because March is endometriosisawareness month here are some facts:⁣⁠⁠

🌸Painful + heavy periods, severe bloating, pelvic pain and pain with intercourse are NOT 'normal' PMS symptoms, these are signs of #endo⁣⁠

🌸Endometriosis does not equal infertility, HOWEVER 30-40% of women with it experience fertility struggles⁣⠀⁣⁠⁠

🌸Your symptoms are NOT in your head, they are physiological⁣⠀⁣⁠⁠

🌸Hormonal birth control does not CURE endometriosis⁣⠀⁣⁠⁠


Goals of endometriosis treatment with me:⁣⠀⁣⁠⁠

HORMONE BALANCING - Endometriosis can be triggered in response to hormones- usually too much Estrogen or too little Progesterone.⁣⠀⁣⁠⁠

REDUCING PAIN + INFLAMMATION - Targeted supplements, botanicals and acupuncture can help to reduce pain, inflammation and promote estrogen detoxification.⁣⁠⁠

OPTIMIZING NUTRITION + WELLNESS - Focusing on fueling your body to keep your hormones happy to help manage symptoms.⁣⠀⁣

Natural Treatments

There’s no ‘cure’ for endometriosis, but specific nutrition, supplements and lifestyle changes are can be beneficial to regulate cycles, improve fertility and manage the multifaceted symptoms of endometriosis. 

As a Naturopathic Doctor, treatments are tailored specifically for each patient depending on their individual symptoms and goals.

  1. Nutrition 

    • Focusing on a hormone-specific diet plan

  2. Regulate Hormones

    • Optimizing hormonal health to help regulate cycle, manage inflammation and pain

  3. Comprehensive Lab Testing

    • I run comprehensive lab testing if necessary to help us understand your health better and guide treatments to improve endometriosis. This may include Estrogen (Estradiol), LH: FSH ratio, Progesterone, Insulin and/or HbA1C, TSH (and T3, T4, anti-TPO), free testosterone, DHEAS, Cortisol and CRP

  4. Supplemental Support

    • Targeted supplements and botanicals to improve endometriosis symptoms

  5. Optimizing a Healthy Hormone Lifestyle

    • There is good research on the importance of optimizing sleep, energy and balancing mood + exercise for endometriosis

    • Acupuncture is another wonderful tool to help manage endometriosis symptoms

If you are interested in optimizing your hormonal health, fertility or looking for support with your health, I am a Naturopathic Doctor virtually, and in person in Toronto and Vaughan and would love to help you reach your health goals. 

In health,

Dr. Courtney Ranieri, ND


Estrogen Dominance - Painful/heavy periods, low mood, weight gain, poor sleep


Spring Detox Meal Plan